I'm New


Finding a new church home can be difficult, yet it is such an important task. There are many things to consider. In short, just not a lot of fun. Throw in the fact that you may be new to the area and it makes the task even more challenging. We certainly understand. We hope to make your visit as stress free as possible. If you are new to the area, we really hope you will give us the opportunity to welcome you.
What is that first day of visiting like? So glad you asked! Since a first visit can be a little awkward we have taken some steps to make it easier. 

When we Meet

Sunday School

10:00 am

Sunday Mornings

11:00 am

Sunday Evenings

6:00 pm

Wednesday Evenings

7:00 pm

What To Expect

We are not, proudly, a mega-church. While UHBC is definitely growing (see our future projects) we are not large enough to get lost in. We do not plan to ever be that big either. Therefore, It is very simple to get around.
Even so, wouldn’t it be great to have someone to be able to ask for a little help? When you go shopping there are folks available to help find things and so it is at UHBC!
We have a team of people for every service who job it is to help visitors like yourself find there way around. Our first impressions crew are available to assist with any questions you may have. They are stationed right outside the main door and are wearing a “Usher” badge. These kind gents would be happy to help you find a place to sit and let you know where the young ones in your family can go for their classes.
There are 3 main areas on our campus. We have the main worship hall, the education building and the fellowship hall. The education building and fellowship hall are one building and the worship center is another (but they are real close together).
When you enter the worship hall, you will be given the weekly bulletin. There is a tear out for new visitors in it and it would be great if you could fill that out and drop it into the offering plate. We would just like to have a record of your visit and have an opportunity to pray for you, by name , as well as for your church search.
So come on down and spend a service visiting with us. We would love the opportunity to chat with you and we can learn something about each other. If you are just moving into town, we have long time residents that can help you find where things are at like grocery stores and the nearest Chick-fil-A. Very important stuff.
In closing, no matter where you choose, all of us at UHBC hope you find a great church home.

How To Contact Us

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